Episode #4: On the floor...

The feminine is like a River.

When you open to her,

Get in devotion to her,

Get lost in her current,

And surrender to her downward pull,

She cleans away your detritus.

She clears your channel.

Shapes your edges.

She asks you to let go so that once you reach her bottom, she opens to you with her full power.

Carrying you all the way up with her flow. No force required.

To roar.

To feel your desire. And create from that spot.

To run. Free.

To be wild. Yet held.

But first she asks you to get on her floor.


This episode takes you through the collapse that led me to the bottom of my dark feminine down (since my strong masculine control mind wouldn't surrender first).

This was really a massive mistrust of the creative chaos of the feminine opening.

And I fought like hell against the pull and shapeshifted into the terror of my inner child before I had the willingness to let go...


50% Complete

Two Step

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