My Sacred Treasure Map to Discovering Your Soul Purpose

Learn how to energetically navigate your true life path in 4-easy steps without force, fear, or failure. 

In This Masterclass



About An Ancient Map That Effortlessly Awakens Your True Life Path

And how to work with this 'mystery school' map to remember your connection to the divine realms and receive and activate your soul purpose (even if you don't currently know what it is).


The Four Simple Steps This Secret Map Divinely Guides You Through to Reliably Find Your True North

And why it acts as an expert compass that always leads you to joy, abundance, and freedom. 


Why You Have Been Feeling Lost

And how to use this map to find your authentic self with quick course correction when things feel confusing and hard - so they can flow again.


Why You Don't Want to Create Anything in Your Life Without Knowledge of This Tool

Ditch resistance, overwhelm, confusion, and struggle for surrender, support, clarity, and effortlessness - and finally birth your authentic soul purpose once and for all! (synchronicities, magic, and miracles anyone?)

"Steffie Funk has her finger on the pulse of sacred practices that she linearly shares on this extraordinary call that will have you educated, inspired and equipped to use these tools to apply them powerfully in your life today! Begin to use a very simple yet profound practice to vitalize your authority to create from your purpose and passion and so much more. This is a call not to be missed!"

Creator and Host of Beyond The Ordinary Show

Have you been wondering what you were really put here to do?

I get it. I used to the feel the same way. I was constantly asking (ok, begging) the Universe: What's my purpose??

I was just so burnt-out and bored with life 'as-is'. And, deep down, I felt like I was meant for something really great. But I didn't know what.

I was too unclear and overwhelmed to take any real steps into my truth path.

And it was soo frustrating cus I really wanted to make a difference (and get out of the meaningless and relentless 'do-loop').

Until I discovered this ancient, secret, sacred treasure map that led me to my True Purpose.

In just four effortless steps.

Listen, I know that you know that you have something special to share, because you wouldn't be here if that weren't true:

Per soul contract, my community consists of latent light-workers and starseeds who are members of my soul family.

My soul purpose is helping you remember yours.

Which is why I created this masterclass for you.

So, if you are an uninspired urbanite, burnt out professional, or stressed out seeker wanting to slide into your Divine Feminine and remember What You Came Here to Do, then DO NOT miss this training.

A Note From The Instructor...

Listen up, sweet spirit. You were guided here for a reason. Your soul is nudging you. You may be thinking there is a someday: “Someday I will get this figured out - someday I’ll do what I’m really meant to do”.

We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Your only point of power is right now. In the present moment. Only a fresh choice made now will direct a new future. Otherwise, your life turns into an endless series of ‘somedays’. Or even lifetimes of it.

How will it feel if you begin really living a life of joy, abundance, inspiration, and meaning? One you wake up excited to co-create with the universe each and every day? The life you know you were born to live.

I know this is possible for you because I live it. And I have helped hundreds of clients live it too.

Stop going through the motions and start feeling alive.

Spirit put you here for a reason. 

And as you wait to ‘get that clarity’, becoming once again resigned to the status quo, you deprive the world of the uniquely special gift that you were put here to share.

Make this the lifetime you bless us all by stepping into the robes of your highest self.

Your soul is calling. Will you answer?